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Local Groups

Clwb Gwili Over 60’s


Clwb Gwili Over 60’s meets at Bronwydd Hall on the last Monday of each month. We have more than 100 members. Meetings start at 2pm... read more

Llanpumsaint Allotments Association

There are now 13 Allotmenteers growing a varied and interesting selection of vegetables and fruit at the Old Station Yard. This first... read more

Llanpumsaint and District Choir

Côr Llanpumsaint a’r Cylch is a mixed voice choir. The Choir was officially formed in October 1979 with around 25 members from the... read more

West Wales Dowsers

The Society was formed in 1993 by a group of like-minded people wanting to explore and encourage the different aspects and uses of Dowsing... read more

Llanpumsaint Heartbeat

The village has 4 defibrillators: Village Hall – SA33 6BZ Outside Railway Inn – SA33 6BU On wall outside Henfryn on way to... read more

Llanpumsaint Welfare Recreation Committee

Llanpumsaint Welfare and Recreation Association runs the Llanpumsaint 100 Club. The subscription is £12 a year with a monthly draw for... read more

Merched Y Wawr

Merched y Wawr meet at Llanpumsaint Memorial Hall on the third Monday in each month.  New members are welcomed. President  Mrs Dilys... read more

Bowls Club

The Bowls Club now has its own website... read more

Cymdeithas Nebo

Cymdeithas Nebo normally meets third Friday (except some occasions) of every month, please feel free to join. If you would like further... read more